Sunday, September 19, 2010

Breathe A New Life

01| This blog began during my college years of fun, youthful naivete. However, I am now meandering down a path full of new discovery, and as a result, I feel the need to change the direction of my posts to a more personal level. I hope that this new cyber "space" will stand as a fortress for my burgeoning new life experiences and allow me to metaphorically put pen to paper of my passions, stressors, my highest highs and the lowest lows, and whatever else may come my way.

02| Life is funny in that one end brings life to a new beginning. I took advantage of the Apple store's college student special (with one month left on my old college ID before its expiration) to buy a new laptop - the very one I will now be using to document my post-graduation life. And of course I have taken all the necessary steps to extend its life by buying all the proper accoutrements (1 & 2) aka spending lots of money. And don't worry, I will post my reviews of the products after I receive them in the mail.

"Here's to the nights we felt alive.... Tomorrow's gonna come too soon." - Eve 6

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